Ukrainian POWs are forced to literally rot to death in Russian concentration camps
The world must act now! The Russian regime of evil must be destroyed.
Earlier today, the world was in shock to see the condition of Ukrainian prisoner of war Roman Horilyk after he survived 2 years of torture in a Russian concentration camp and was exchanged back to Ukraine. However, it gets much worse, as Vladimir Osechkin quickly noted that Russia only exchanges the most "presentable" Ukrainian prisoners "to avoid outrage."
We now have details of what Osechkin meant. These are photos of a Ukrainian prisoner of war held at a Russian concentration camp in Voronezh, SIZO-2.

Vladimir Osechkin also received a photo of an apparent torture tool used on the Ukrainian prisoners of war at the Voronezh concentration camp.
Osechkin's source in the Voronezh prison system:
"Captured Ukrainians are beaten at the 'reception' (during transfer from the Ministry of Defence convoy to pre-trial detention facilities and penitentiary institutions), thrown in the cells, no medical care is provided. As a result of the beatings, extensive hematomas are formed for which there is no attention from medics (they are simply not allowed to see the prisoners). And then, when the captives practically begin to rot, medics are allowed to visit them, but it is often too late.
Prison spetsnaz and staff hit the wounds that have not yet healed, and since the immune system of the prisoners is close to zero, healing is out of the question. This victim's wounds are not healing, his leg is mummified.
Another Ukrainian died in OTB-1. His back, legs, buttocks were beaten off, and necrosis set in. Before his death he was completely black in color. Wounds did not heal, protein loss began, wounds began to rot, muscles literally fell apart before our eyes and at the end bones and tendons were showing through. Almost all of the captives have weight loss and hearing & vision disorders."
The world must act now. Words of condemnation are not enough. Russia must be punished. Everyone must know that the United States will not tolerate this evil.
We must start by ensuring everyone sees these horrific images. Televised Congressional hearings must be held specifically on what Russia does to captured Ukrainians.
Putin is Hitler reincarnated.